Trauma recovery and soul loss

ancient healing energy healing light worker shamanic healing soul loss soul retrieval trauma healing trauma recovery Dec 09, 2022
byron bay beach soul loss shamanic helaing

Shamanic healing practices for modern times

Modern society has forgotten how to maintain the energy body as part of getting 'well" and vibrant. In ancient times, during an accident or trauma the shaman would be called to check the energy body of a person and heal the parts that needed attention. In our western culture,  we no longer consider this as important but it is to our great detriment.

Shamanic cultures believed that issues like low energy, loss of personal power little life force energy can stem from a spiritual problem called “soul loss”

Soul loss can happen after any shock or trauma, for example  a car accident - part of our soul fragments or splits off as it is too unsafe to be in the body at the time.  But it can also occur if people feel unsafe, or fearful for any reason.

Shamanic practitioners address soul loss with a practice called soul retrieval. 

Simply, it’s the process of bringing lost soul parts from non-ordinary reality back to ordinary reality, allowing a fragmented soul to be whole, restoring vitality and the life force of a person. Sometimes its not until we receive a soul retrieval and feel so much more alive that we realise how fragmented and compromised our energy actually was.

After a soul retrieval, we can whole and like more of us is present. It becomes quite obvious that parts of us were actually missing, as we feel much more like our true selves, and more vital.

Often, the eyes sparkle with joy as soul fragments have returned and found their home within the body and most of all the ability to move on and find peace.

Soul retrieval is just one aspect of trauma recovery – there are a myriad of paths one could take to restore soul loss.

Any modality that addresses the maintenance of the energy body will help. As will extended time in nature, and this I mention because it’s completely free, but often we overlook it.

Ancient practices like shamanic healing remind us that there is great potential for wellness through maintaining our energy  body - if we are open to  it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       



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