Scarlett Rose Lemurian Crystals

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Scarlett Lemurian Crystal, Lemurian Seed

What are Scarlett Rose Lemurian Crystals?

Glowing red and translucent: Scarlett Lemurian Crystals have alot of mystery and hype surrounding them, so lets shed some light on what these are all about!

They are discovered in small pockets in the Serra Do Cabral Mountains  - the home of Lemurian crystals and every 10 years or so a significant find surfaces, in 2021 a new pocket has been discovered!

Recently, a new find from the Scarlett Mine near the town of  Diamantina in Brazil has seen crystals of a very high clarity come to the surface. ,They glow in the sunlight  light and are coated in hematite – this is what yields the red colour and many are indeed red through the internal of the crystal. 

Features of Scarlett Rose Lemurians

Tis particular find of Scarlett Lemurians is that they are not polished or altered in anyway. This means they retain powerful original markings on the sides and the tips of the crystals and stronger energy that polished crystals.

Astonishingly they are covered in record keeper markings! These are little triangles that appear on the faces at the terminations.

Secondly they are also covered in starbrary glyphs which are the many glyphs and lines marking the sides of the crystals. These are thought to  be the markings of different start systems and their teachings. Some are linked to Sirius, Cassopeaia and Draco systems.

There are some other languages that I am deeming the marking of the human civilisations – the diagonal scored lines that appear almost as scratch marks across the sides of the crystals.

Crystal Energy and Metaphysical Properties Scarlett Lemurians

These are for both the beginner and the advanced Lemurian energetic enthusiast.

They resonate with several chakras: the root, heart and crown. The root and earth star chakra connection through grounding red hematite coating encourages us to come into wholeness, to live the light of Lemurian unity consciousness and are very integrated in an everyday way. Hematite grounds the spiritual teachings encoded within the crystal into our physical bodies so we can understand the information coming through. All Lemurians embody the essence of unconditional love, and with the presence of the pink color they work well with the Heart Chakra, opening our hearts to the love of the divine mother, feeling of unity, and now to nurture our inner child.

To me, these crystals speak of the time after the downfall of the 5th dimensional civilisation of Lemuria, where human civilisations cropped up  on earth and interbred with Lemurians to form the many groups of people we know today.

Lemurian lore states that Scarlet Temple Lemurians were used in ceremonies by High Priestesses who programmed and code these magnificent crystals with their teachings. 

They also  carry the akashic records of the lived experiences of the civilization’s that truly lived unity consciousness and unconditional love.

These experiences are also encoded into the crystals and transferrable to us so we too can learn to integrate this energy in our day to day lives. 

There are many record keepers on these as there are so many civilizations that lived on earth truly embodying the Lemurian light there is an immense richness of the lineages behind these crystals.

Indeed these crystals are record keepers of the past, they are also windows for us to access these records of our own past where we too can remember how to embody the Lemurian light.

Scarlett Lemurians have an extremely balanced energy. There is also huge opportunity to work on marrying the divine feminine and masculine with in, working with ying and yang energies and bringing these into balance.

They feel smooth calming and grounding all in one.

Rose Lineage Energy

After working with the Scarlets for some time it became apparent there is a wonderful connection to the Magdalene Rose Lineage with these crystals. If you meditate with these near you sacral chakra with intention to connect to your womb space, you will find the blessings of the feminine lineages start to come forward.

They are wonderful to activate this area and facilitate connection with sacred shakti energy, your feminine life force that flows from Gaia through your womb space.

The blessings of the lineage of the rose can be felt and the powerful feminine energy of embodiment of the inner goddess. Now is the time for women to reclaim their inner feminine power and what better way to do this than with the Scarlett Lemurian Rose Crystals by your side. 

How to work with Scarlett Rose Lemurian Crystals

When meditating with these, the areas of your life that need to come into balance will be highlighted. 

For those who do advanced healing work last lives of imbalance with masculine and feminine wounding can come up for healing and into balance.

Meditate with your crystal or place beside you bedside to surround you with deeply soothing energies of Love, Light, and grounding protection. Focus on the centre of crystal and breathe in her energy and ask to connect to her deva / or spirit. Then spend some time to interpret and receive the messages that come through all of your psychic senses.

If you enjoyed this article you can follow me on Instagram to access our Monthly LIVE SALES of Lemurian Crystals and  bespoke crystals for the healers!

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If you'd love to learn more about how to work with Lemurian Crystals please join our very affordable online Lemurian Crystal Workshops  

To access your Lemurian lineage through  1:1 healing sessions you can work with me  online or in person in Byron Bay, Australia.

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