Lemurian Seed Crystals and Ancient Lemuria

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Clear Lemurian Seed Crystal

Mythical and Magical Lemurian Crystals

Lemurian Crystals draw us in to the magic that was the ancient civilisation of Lemuria. To some, these bring the activations of long lost memories and sacred knowledge and healing gifts of Lemuria and their lives spent there. They bring a  connection to unconditional love and connection to your higher self and teaching guides. For others they open the heart to unconditional love and clear all the chakras at once.

Who were the Lemurians?

The Lemurians were a gentle and peaceful race of light beings descended from star nations, most notably, the Pleiades.

It is thought that they pre-dated the Atlantean civilisation living in watery and crystalline realms in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

The Lemurians’ mission was to bring higher levels of consciousness to planet earth.

It is said that Lemurian Seed crystals were programmed with the energetic teachings of the divine feminine, unconditional love and unity, so that humans could one day remember and integrate this wonderful high vibrational energy.

And indeed in recent years we are able to access Lemurian crystal consciousness as we rapidly grow and expand. During these exciting times we are gaining access to our akashic records more easily and remembering who are on a soul level.

How to distinguish a Lemurian Crystal from Clear Quartz

You can spot a Lemurian Crystal by looking for horizontal lines or striations on the sides of a crystal.

These lines can be faint or quite prominent. They contain the metaphysical information about the crystal, the akashic history and teachings encoded by the Lemurian civilisations.

Lemurian Crystals also very often have a frosty look, meaning they are not completely see through, this is true for the Lemurians that come from Brazil. The frosted look attributes to the soft, fine feminine energy of one-ness and unity.

Lemurian Crystals only come form a few locations in the world so always ask your supplier and buy from reputable sources.

Since the first find of Clear Lemurians as far back as 1985, we have since discovered Smoky Lemurian, Pink Lemurian, Scarlett Lemurian, Root Keys and Lithium Lemurian just to name a few.

How to start working with Lemurian Crystals

As you meditate, rub your finger along the striations on the side of a Lemurian Quartz Crystal to activate and awaken the Lemurian energy within you.

Keep them close by your beside side of a few weeks as your body attunes to their fine high vibrational energy.

The crystals may allow you to tap directly into the divine realms and establish a clear connection to your Lemurian lineage and teachers.

Some Lemurian crystals are healing tools for working with the energy body in a targeted way such as fine wand work and psychic surgery and others are for holding space for group healing and akashic records exploration.

I hope you enjoy the wonderful fine and loving healing energy that Lemurian crystals can bring into your life.

With love


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If you'd love to learn more about how to work with Lemurian Crystals please join our very affordable online Lemurian Crystal Workshops  or join our next 3 day Lemurian Mermaid retreat in Byron Bay, NSW Australia.

To access your Lemurian lineage through  1:1 healing sessions you can work with me  online or in person in Byron Bay, Australia.

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